This morning on Dialog, I played an interview Doug Young did with Darrell Manzella, who was recently discharged from the army for violating the "don't ask - don't tell" regulation.
I think it's time for the rule to go the way of the dodo bird, but I know others out there disagree, including one caller who said he is a military man who likes the regulation.
The old fogies (SP.?) can stick their fingers in their ears and close their eyes all they want, it doesn't mean the military doesn't have gay people in it. It's more like hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil........but it's still there, and they should stop acting like it's not! The military needs to adapt to our ever changing world just like everyone else.
Quite frankly, from the standpoint of an employer who oversees a male-dominated's a good practice in concept, but a bad one in implementation (I don't think anyone should be fired or held from promotion because of it). It should be a "rule" of common sense: keep quiet and you won't upset the apple cart.
The majority of people aren't as PC or as accepting as one would believe. Most - and I do mean most - people are uncomfortable with gays. You put a openly gay man in a factory and it creates conflict...whether it's rumors, harassment by his straight peers, or people not wanting to work with him. I've had to deal with many such conflicts over the years.
It's a powderkeg just waiting to explode. That being said, keep it to yourself. Doing otherwise...and announcing one's tendencies....begs for trouble. That's just the way it is, especially in a male-dominated it a blue-collar factory or the military.
Bob Confer
Industrialist, Columnist