I recently travelled to Auburn NY to attend my Cousins daughters wedding...travel, hotel,nice wedding gift...... Beautiful little lakeside restaurant for the service and reception.... And a cash bar. I WAS FLOORED!!!!!!!!!!! I wasn't going to comment on this untill a coworker came in last week and said the same thing happenend to him on a wedding trip to New Hampshire.... What is this world comming to? Anybody else run into this? Do you feel it should be put on the invitation?
I've been to precious few weddings in my day, but I would say most of them included a cash bar. The ones that didn't had a free bar, compliments of the father of the bride.
I wouldn't be too offended if there were a cash bar and I usually carry some extra money to a wedding just in case such a situation arises, but it would be nice for it to be on the invitation so you could prepare.
Of course, the drinks are usually paid for by the parents of the groom, but it can get quite expensive, and everyone's looking to save a buck. Don't blame 'em. Plus there's always weddings where the groom's family doesn't drink and won't be imposed to foster other people's bad habits ...
When in doubt, grab an extra $20 from the ATM on the way out the door.
Wow. I'm 48 and from huge families on all sides, gone to tons of weddings and never...not once...seen a cash bar. And I'm not blueblood either....nor am I cheap. Next time I'll just send a card or bring a twelve pack in a cooler!
I've been to weddings where it was open bar before dinner and once they served the food it became a cash bar for the rest of the evening. I would think this was done for cost reasons.
I have to wonder if cash bars are more prevalent when the reception is earlier in the day rather than a late dinner? Dunno...
Do I think it's a big deal if there is only a cash bar at a wedding? Naw... Are you only going to the reception to score some free drinks?
I think that as long as it's stated somewhere on the invite, it's okay. I wouldn't want to find out after the fact just for the simple fact that I switch to a smaller going out purse for weddings, and do not usually put too much cash in it (maybe $20).....and I definitely don't put my big ass wallet in there!