Now, don't go getting your panties all in a bunch!! I am just writing to get some thoughts on this election. It appears that the Voutour camp has been involved in some dirty tricks. Numerous signs for Palmer have been stolen or kicked over. I mean get real would they. This only gives the whole process as bad name. And before anyone starts spouting off at the mouth that this isn't happening you are full of dung. All you need is to ask respected NYS Trooper Rudnick. He awoke one morning to find a Voutour sign in his yard because he was the individual telling the truth in a report that stated the Niagara County Sheriffs Department under Beilein and Voutour practice SILENT DISPATCH. Voutour lied to the Buffalo News and went on ranting and raving that it was all made up. Well little did he know that this report was in existance contradicting everything he said. Voutour got nailed in ONE BIG FAT LIE. I hope the good people of this county can see through the dung thats been piled on by Voutour and his camp. What am I thinking!!,of course they have to lie and pull dirty tricks because they surely can't go around stating anything about QUALIFICATIONS. "BECAUSE HE HAS NONE COMPARED TO PALMER"
I moved your topic to the "correct" forum, but didn't change anything in it.
Thank you for your post. I am continually disgusted by the stupid stunts and tricks by both political parties in any election ... and the example you list should give anyone cause for concern.
As for the experience issue, I'm sure both candidates can make arguments that their experience trumps the other.
I will have both candidates on air before the election, so people can judge for themselves.